Community Rules



Community Rules are for the benefit of Owners and Residents and are designed to create an environment in which all Owners and Residents can maximize enjoyment of their homes and the various Common Areas and Facilities. It is also the intent of these rules to create a serene, attractive and safe environment for the families, children, neighbors and guests of the Community. Adherence to these rules will maintain, preserve, enhance and protect the property values and assets of the Community.

Violation of any of the Community Rules will be uniformly enforced, with a Notice of Violation and applicable Violation Penalty.


1.1. Community Rules / Rules – means the Community Rules as set out in this document and such further rules and regulations the Association may make from time to time pursuant to the Declaration.

1.2. Declaration – means the governing documents of the community including this document with the schedules thereto as may be amended from time to time.

1.3. Master Developer/Developer – means ZAWIA 2, or any of its subsidiaries, nominees, assigns, successors or successors-in-title.

1.4. Owner – means the Owner of a Unit including an Owner whose title registration is pending and including his heirs, successors-in-title and permitted successors and assigns.

1.5. Tenant / Lessee – means a person or corporate body renting a property from the Owner.

1.6. Resident / Occupier / Occupant– means any person occupying or visiting a Unit owned byan Owner, including such Owner’s lessees, tenants, visitors, servants, agents, employees, guests,family members, clients, customers, patients or business associates.

1.7. Lot / Plot – means the extent of a plot of land on which an individual property is built.

1.8. Unit / Property / Home / Household – means a unit or units of the Common Property, such as any apartment, floor, part of a land, house (including villa), office or shop, etc., with or without dedicated parking space, located in a Common Property, and owned by an Owner or by theDeveloper.

1.9. Common Area – means all open areas, services, facilities, roads, pavements, water features,gardens, utility and administrative buildings or areas, installations, improvements and common assets in the Common Property, specifically determined in the attached Master Plan, which are intended for use by all Owners and that do not form part of the title of any Unit.

1.10. Common Property – means the entire building or any part thereof, which is divided into Common Areas and Units allocated for freehold Ownership, and in respect of which a separate Owners Association is established.

1.11. Community – means the residential community as shown on the attached plan comprising individual units plus Common Areas including roads, children’s play areas, paths and other facilities.

1.12. Building Manager – means the manager appointed from time to time by the Board of the Owners Association to maintain and manage the Community on behalf of the Owners’ Association.

1.13. Management – means the Owners Association, Board, Building Manager and/or any of its assignees.

1.14. Owners’ Association / Association – means the association of all the Owners in any Jointly Owned Property in the Master Community, when such an Association can be legally established, until which the Developer shall fulfill the role.

1.15. Board / Board of the Owners’ Association – means the board constituted in accordance with the Owners Association regulations when established, until which, the Developer shall fulfill the role.

1.16. Service Fees / Service Charges – means the fees for the program of maintenance, management, security, upkeep, renewal, repair and replacement of the landscaped areas, facilities and all other areas constituting the Common Property of the Development, including without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the costs of water, electricity, equipment, and other expenses and the employment of contractors, employees, managers and workmen associated with these tasks plus the costs of administration.

1.17. Special Levy – means a one-time levy to cover a major expense that was not included in the annual budget or capital reserve fund. Special Levies may apply to construction of new structure or facilities requested by the majority of Owners and approved by the Board.

1.18. Capital Reserve Fund / Sinking Fund – means a separate annual fee for capital replacements, kept in reserve for any emergencies, as well as for investing in improvements and additional facilities for the Community at the discretion of the Board.

1.19. Notice of Violation – A Notice of Violation is a formal citation that informs a person that a Community Rule or a permit condition has been violated. The purpose of the Notice of Violation is to initiate corrective action that will stop the violations. A Notice of Violation may also result
in Violation Penalties.

1.20. Violation Penalty – A Violation Penalty is the result of a Notice of Violation where corrective action has not taken place. Violation Penalties are often monetary fines, but may include reporting of the violation to the Local Authorities.

1.21. Architectural Guidelines – mean and refer to those certain architectural and engineering standards, landscape standards and other general policies, procedures and criteria, with respect to home improvement, which may be adopted by the Board.

1.22. Local Authority – means the governing authorities of the Kingdom of Bahrain including but not limited to Police, Immigration, Ministry of Works, Civil Defense, Municipality and the Land Registration Bureau. In short any government body that has jurisdiction over the Master Community.


2.1. Noise and Nuisance Activities

2.1.1. No nuisance, obnoxious or offensive activities shall be carried out on any part of the Community, nor shall anything be done or maintained on any part of the Community including a Resident’s premises which may be or may become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood or interfere with the quiet enjoyment by any Owner or Resident.

2.1.2. Such nuisances include but are not limited to odours, smoke, vibrations, and obstruction of views. Offensive noises include but are not limited to those that are caused by televisions, stereos, musical instruments, revving car engines, revving motorcycles, car stereos, hard heels, running within the property. Noise is considered to be too loud if it can be heard by an adjacent neighbor when inside their house/flat with their windows and doors closed.

2.1.3. Noise from equipment and power tools is only allowed between 9:00am and 5:00pm from Sunday to Wednesday.

2.1.4. Owners and Residents shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that their invitees do not behave in a manner likely to interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of Owners or Residents of other units, or any other person lawfully using Common Property.

2.2. Privacy

2.2.1. No activities shall be carried out in any part of the Master Community that may unreasonably interfere with a resident’s right of privacy within that resident’s residence.

2.2.2. Owners and Residents are to avoid any attempt to look into a neighboring lot or to look into the windows of neighboring structures.

2.2.3. Owners and Residents bear the responsibility to take reasonable measures to protect their own privacy through the design of their window treatments and landscaping as long as it conforms to the community’s Architectural Guidelines.

2.3. Abuse of Community Staff

2.3.1. Owners and Residents are to treat all staff members of the Community and structures therein in a cordial manner. Verbal and/or physical abuse will not be tolerated and will be treated as a serious violation of the Rules. Complaints regarding the mistreatment
of employees and/or vendors should be presented in writing to the Building Manager and if necessary to the Board.

2.4. Pets & Pet Management

2.4.1. Owners, Tenants and Residents shall not bring a dog or any loud animal onto the Common Property of the building. Pet owners must use service elevators and not common elevators.

2.4.2. Owners, Tenants and Residents shall not permit an invitee/guest to bring an animal onto the Common Property.

2.4.3. If a person is blind or disabled, they are entitled to be accompanied by a guide dog/special assistance dog, while in the Common Areas, and within a unit. If the person is an Owner of a unit, they are entitled to keep their guide dog/special assistance dog within their unit.

2.4.4. In such cases, sufficient medical documentation to prove necessity for guide dog/special assistance dog must be provided to the Owner Association Manager and Executive Committee prior to the Owner or Resident commencing occupancy of the unit.

2.4.5. Such Owners shall use their best endeavors to ensure that the animal does not cause any disturbances to other Owners.

2.4.6. Such approved animals must be housed and cared for in a humane manner and in accordance with best international practices on animal care.

2.4.7. Such approved animals shall be restrained adequately within the Common Property when not within the boundary walls of a unit.

2.4.8. Any dog feces deposited upon any portion of the Common Property shall be promptly removed and properly disposed of in a sanitary manner by the dog handler, or their carer/representative. Non-compliance to these rules may result in a Notice of Violation being
issued to the defaulter.

2.5. Hazardous Activities

2.5.1. No open fires shall be lit or permitted within the Common Property or within the apartment

2.5.2. Activities or conditions which endanger the health and/or safety of others are prohibited.

2.5.3. Owners or Residents shall not bring onto, or do anything within their unit, which shall increase the rate of fire insurance for the Owners Association, or which may conflict with laws and regulations relating to fires or any insurance policy held over the Owners Association or the regulations of any public authority. In particular, barbeque units are not allowed anywhere within the units and/or balconies.

2.6. Dumping and Waste Management

2.6.1. Owners and/or Residents shall not deposit or throw on the Common Property any rubbish, dirt, cigarette butts, sawdust, landfill, rocks, grass, solid waste or any type of refuse likely to interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of the Owner/resident of another unit, or any other person lawfully using the Common Property.

2.6.2. Owners and Residents are responsible, at their cost, for the removal of all such material from the Common Property, other than household waste.

2.6.3. Owners and Residents are to ensure all household waste is placed in the appropriate receptacle provided in each respective unit / household.

2.6.4. Owners are to assist in keeping such areas clean and dry by securing garbage bags prior to placing in the receptacle and being mindful of hygiene, health and comfort of all Owners and Residents.

2.6.5. Owners and Residents shall regularly remove all weeds if applicable, rubbish, debris, refuse containers, woodpiles, storage boxes, tools and unsightly objects or materials of any kind from their Lot and shall not allow such items to accumulate upon the Lot.

2.6.6. No incinerator shall be kept or maintained on any Lot.

2.6.7. Owners and Residents may be issued a Notice of Violation by the Owners Association or the Building Manager for any violation to the above Rules. A Violation Penalty may be levied on the offending party.

2.7. Littering and Vandalism

2.7.1. The act of littering, graffiti or vandalism is expressly prohibited within the Common Property and the Owner shall be held liable for the cost of cleaning, repair or replacement resulting from any such prohibited activity carried out by Residents of his property. All incidents of serious vandalism will be reported to the Police for their further action.

2.7.2. All Owners are to note that the cost of reinstatement of the item or area that has been vandalized shall be directly charged to those individuals found to be causing the vandalism. In the event that the individual(s) causing the vandalism cannot be found, the costs to reinstate shall be included as a cost that will be recovered from the Annual Service Fees.

2.8. Use Restrictions

2.8.1. Unless otherwise stated, properties in the building are designated as residential units for the use of single-families. As such, only the Owners and Tenants and their direct family members, guests and domestic employees may occupy a residence within the Community.

2.8.2. Companies may not accommodate bachelor employees in the Community, if the premises are being shared with other bachelors.

2.8.3. No business or commercial activity to which the general public is invited shall be conducted within any Unit designated as residential within the Community without written permission from the Owners Association.

2.8.4. All leases shall be accompanied by a signed undertaking of the Lessee that all Community Rules shall be strictly adhered to by the Lessee. However, in all cases, the Landlord or Owner shall be liable to the Owners Association.

2.8.5. No short-term letting or letting to other than single families shall be permitted. For the purposes of these Rules, short-term letting is defined as leases that are less than six (6) months in validity.

2.8.6. No partitioning of the Unit for the purposes of letting out individual rooms is permitted.

2.8.7. The Owner is responsible for ensuring that all occupants comply with all the requirements of these Rules.

2.8.8. No Owner or Resident shall engage in any activity upon the property that is in violation of any law, ordinance, statute, rule or regulation of Kingdom of Bahrain.

2.8.9. Owners shall strictly adhere to the terms of easements and restrictions benefiting or burdening the Lot or Unit.

2.8.10. Owners shall carry property insurance for the full replacement cost of all insurable improvements and contents in his Lot or Unit as well as third party liability insurance in the amount of 50000 BHD (copy of the policy shall be filed with the building manager). Owners agree that in the event of damage to or destruction of structure on or comprising his Lot or Unit, the Owner shall promptly proceed to repair or to reconstruct in a manner consistent with the original construction or such other plans as are approved by the Developer or Owners Association. Owners shall pay all costs which are not covered by insurance proceeds.

2.8.11. Communal corridors should be kept clear at all times; this is for the safety of the tenants and visitors; they are fire exits and should be kept clear at all times. Storage shelves, bikes, prams, etc. are not allowed in these areas. All such materials should be stored within each owner’s unit. Failure to comply with this regulation will result in a notice of violation being issued.

2.9. Household Staff

2.9.1. Household staff, including (but not limited to) housemaids, drivers, cooks, and gardeners should hold a valid residence visa issued by the Bahrain Immigration Department.

2.9.2. Owners and Tenants are fully responsible if they are found accommodating household staff not directly sponsored by them. Owners and Tenants are liable for criminal prosecution by the appropriate authorities as dictated by the law.

2.9.3. Household staff, including (but not limited to) housemaids, drivers, cooks, and gardeners are not to congregate on Common Areas within the Property, designed for the enjoyment of Residents and authorized users.

2.9.4. Household staff shall only be accommodated within the property of their employer. The use of common areas or areas designated for other uses is strictly prohibited. Failing to comply with this ruling will result in the issuing of a notice of violation.

2.10. Contractors and Workmen

2.10.1. Owners and Residents are not to directly instruct any contractors or workmen employed by the Owners Association unless so authorized. Instruction to contractors or workmen is to be given by the Property or Facility Manager.

2.10.2. Owners and Residents shall, upon receiving reasonable notice from the Property or Facility Manager, on behalf of the Owners Association, allow a representative of the Executive Committee, contractors, sub-contractors, workmen, or any other person authorized, the right of access to a unit for the purpose of carrying out works or effecting repairs.


3.1. Recreation Areas, Common Areas and Landscaped Areas (Shared Facilities)

3.1.1. The Common Areas and Facilities are for the exclusive use of Owners and Residents, their direct family members, and guests. Owners and Residents shall limit the number of guests using the facilities to ensure access for other residents is maintained at all times. The Building Manager reserves the right to assess whether the number of guests accompanying the Resident is indeed reasonable or not.

3.1.2. All persons using the Property’s shared facilities and equipment do so at their own risk and must adhere to the Rules and regulations posted in various locations throughout the interior and exterior of the facilities.

3.1.3. Failure to comply with the Rules may result in the Owner or Resident being prohibited from using the facilities. Severe violations of the regulations may result in the Owner or Resident being permanently prohibited from using the facilities.

3.1.4. All children below the age of fourteen (14) years old must be supervised at all times by a parent or guardian aged eighteen (18) years or older.

3.1.5. Owners and Residents wishing to hold private functions in any Common Areas within the Property must obtain prior permission of the Owners Association and shall limit the number of guests to no more than eight (8) persons, in order to ensure that access for other Residents is maintained, unless prior permission for a larger number has been obtained from the Building Manager. The Owners Association may require the payment of a deposit and the Resident will be responsible for any damage or cleaning costs arising from the function.

3.1.7. Any damage to property or amenities in the Common Areas will be chargeable to the individual responsible for causing the damage or, if they are a minor, their parent or legal guardian or the Owner of the property in which they are a Resident or guest. Any serious damages that may result in subsequent death or injury of users will be promptly reported to the local law enforcement body.

3.2. Swimming Pool

3.2.1. Invitees or guests are not to use the swimming pool without the Owner or Resident accompanying them.

3.2.2. Running, jumping or pushing is not allowed anywhere within the pool areas.

3.2.3. No diving or acrobatics is permitted by or in the pool.

3.2.4. No activities are to be undertaken that would affect the peaceful use of the facilities by other Residents including excessive noise.

3.2.5. Children under the age of fourteen (14) years must be under the supervision of an adult at all times.

3.2.6. In the interest of hygiene, all persons are required to shower prior to using the pool

3.2.7. All rules and regulations posted at the pool by the Owners Association and/or the Building Manager must be adhered to.

3.2.8. Alcoholic beverages are not to be taken into or consumed in the swimming pool area without the prior permission of the Building Manager. Offenders will be referred to the Police.

3.2.9. The decision of the Building Manager regarding pool safety and what is disturbing to other Residents is final.

3.2.10. The swimming pool is only to be used between the hours as specified on pool signage.

3.3. Service Plant, Filtration and Telephone Rooms / Structures

3.3.1. The service plant, filtration, telephone rooms, electrical rooms and all such other utilities contained within the buildings are strictly out of bounds to unauthorized persons.


All Owners and Residents are required to adhere to the following Rules regarding street traffic and parking. Any violation of the
parking policies listed below may result in the immediate towing of the vehicle at the vehicle Owner’s expense.

4.1. Access control

4.1.1. Only bona fide Owners, Residents and their families, domestic employees and guests are allowed into the Property. Delivery personnel and taxi and school bus drivers are also allowed into the property for the express purpose of delivering to or dropping off or picking up Residents.

4.1.2. Service providers, building contractors and handymen are permitted to enter into the property only with approved entry permits and documents issued by the Property or Facility Manager.

4.1.3. Owners or Residents shall not, without the prior approval of the Executive Committee, duplicate a key or access control and shall take all reasonable precautions to ensure that the key or access control is not lost or handed to any other person other than to another unit Owner within the Owners Association.

4.1.4. Owners or Residents should notify the Property or Facility Manager immediately if a key or access control is destroyed or lost.

4.2. Exclusive Use and General Parking

4.2.1. The Schedule of Exclusive Use Areas of the Jointly Owned Property Declaration for Zawia 2 identifies those parts of the Common Areas as shown on the Site Plan that shall be for the exclusive use, enjoyment, and occupation of the Occupier of the Unit to which said area is allocated;

4.2.2. An Owner or Occupier shall only use and permit to be used an Exclusive Use area allocated to their Unit for the purpose that it is designed for and in accordance with all Community Rules. All Owners and Occupiers are obliged to ensure that usage does not impair the safety, appearance or amenity of other Units or the Common Areas;

4.2.3. An Owner or Occupier shall be obliged to maintain an allocated Exclusive Use Area as if it were part of their Unit and shall be obliged to take all reasonable and necessary steps to keep it in a clean, hygienic and a neat condition;

4.2.4. Each Owner shall be entitled to lease their Exclusive Use area to the Owner or Occupier of other Units in the Owners Association or the Building Management Group. Any lease by an Owner shall be at their own liability and may only occur where reasonable and appropriate with areas such as adjacent courtyards and other reasonable inseparable areas not being permitted.

4.2.5. An Owner shall permit the Facility Manager, including any persons authorized by the Facility Manager access to any and all Exclusive Use Areas for any purpose reasonably required for the maintenance thereof, or any area required to be maintained by any other Owner or Occupier.

4.2.6. The Owner shall not construct any structure in the car parking space.

4.2.7. Parking on the pavements or gardens or any lawn area is strictly prohibited. Violating vehicles will be towed away at the vehicle Owner’s expense.

4.2.8. No overnight parking of any unauthorized motor vehicle – as defined by the Police as fit for use on the public roads – shall be allowed on the Property, unless approved in advance by the Building Manager.

4.2.9. Oversized vehicles may not be parked on a street with the exception of delivery and removal vehicles while performing services for Residents. An oversized vehicle is deemed to be any vehicle that does not fit into a residential unit’s car parking space.

4.2.10. No dune buggy, water craft, water craft trailer, truck, recreational vehicle, mobile home, motor home, van or camper shell which is detached from a vehicle shall be parked within the Property, underground car park or anywhere else within the Property’s Common Areas, unless for a temporary period and upon express approval from the Building Manager.

4.2.11. No inoperative vehicles may be parked so that they will be visible from a neighboring property or from streets or access roads.

4.2.12. No motor vehicle or trailer of any type shall be constructed, reconstructed or repaired in or on the Property.

4.2.13. Owners and Residents are responsible to see that their guests and families and employees obey these parking Rules.

4.2.14. Vehicles are not to be parked in a manner which interferes with any entrance to or exit from either the Community or any residence therein.

4.2.15. No dismantled or wrecked vehicle or equipment shall be parked, stored or deposited within the Community.

4.2.16. No trailer, truck, boat or recreational vehicle shall be used as a living area within the Community.

4.2.17. Violations to parking rules will be reported to the Local Authorities, at the discretion of the Building Manager.

4.3. Parking Area Usage and Road Safety

4.3.1. The maximum speed limit within the Property is 5 kilometers per hour.

4.3.2. No motorized vehicle of any kind may be operated in any manner which is dangerous, noisy or which creates a nuisance. Any violation of the speed limit or driving considered to be dangerous by the Management shall be deemed to be a serious violation of the Rules and shall be dealt with accordingly.

4.3.3. The operation of dirt bikes, trail and quad bikes, sand buggies, off-road vehicles, and non licensed motorized vehicles is not permitted anywhere in or on the Property.

4.3.4. Vehicles that drip fluids or that damage the surface are to be removed or repaired. The Owner will be responsible for the cleanup and/or repair or the reimbursement to the Owners Association for the cleanup and/or repair.

4.3.5. Access cards provided at the time of handover of property may only be used by Owners and their Tenants and promptly returned once the Owner or Tenant transfers/ vacates the property.

4.3.6. Pedestrians always have the right-of-way in the car parking area.

4.3.7. No parts of the parking area shall be used for the storage of personal items or material.

4.4. Commercial Vehicles

4.4.1. Commercial vehicles may not be parked within the car parking area except temporarily for a maximum of four (4) hours while providing a delivery or service to the Management or to a Resident.

4.5. Emergency or Temporary Maintenance and Construction Vehicles

4.5.1. The provisions of these rules shall not prevent any reasonable emergency vehicle repairs or operation of any emergency vehicle, ambulance, etc. within the Property.

4.5.2. The provisions of these rules shall also not prevent the reasonable operation or temporary use of construction trailers, vans, or other trucks, machinery/equipment, construction shelters or facilities maintained during and used exclusively in connection with the construction of any improvement approved in writing by the Management.

4.5.3. Major repairs shall not be conducted to any vehicle of any kind in car parking area or in Common Areas except for emergency repairs to the extent necessary to enable the vehicle to be moved to a proper repair facility.


5.1. Garden Areas and Landscaping

5.1.1. Owners or Residents shall not plant any trees and shrubs on a Lot or Common Property without prior written permission from the Owners Association.

5.1.2. Owners or Residents shall not, except with the approval in writing from the Building Manager on behalf of the Owners Association, use for their own purposes as a garden, any portion of the Common Property.

5.2. Pest Control

5.2.1. Owners and Residents will be responsible, at their own expense, for pest control within the boundaries (both internal and external) of their own property. Owners and Residents are, however, asked to inform the Building Manager of any pests other than ants, non-poisonous spiders, bees and wasps found on their property.

5.2.2. The Owners Association will be responsible, on an on-going basis, for pest control of all the Common Areas of the Community.


6.1. Windows

6.1.1. Windows are not to be covered by paper, paint, tinfoil, sheets, or similar items.

6.1.2. Window screens must be maintained in good condition. Damaged screens are to be repaired or replaced by the Resident.

6.1.3. The installation of safety screening at the windows or balconies must be of a translucent material and requires the approval of the Owners Association prior to installation.

6.2. Exterior Attachments

6.2.1. Outside television, radio, satellite or similar types of antennae may not be installed, without the approval of the Owners Association. If approval is granted, care must be taken to ensure they are not visible from the street, Common Areas and neighbouring lots and balconies. The cabling for such antennas must be neatly channeled in appropriate conduit or ducting such that they are not visible from the Common Areas and neighbouring Lots and balconies.

6.2.2. Nothing may be attached to the exterior of the building or car port (where relevant) without the approval of the Owners association. Such items may include awnings, pergolas, shade cloth, shade or protective sheeting, etc. Permission will only be granted for material of the same material or paint shade as the exterior of the property.

6.3. Laundry

6.3.1. Hanging of Laundry outside on clothes lines, balconies, or other apparatus visible to other Residents from the street or the ground level of a neighbouring lot or the external common area is not permitted.

6.4. Holiday/Celebration Decorative Lighting

6.4.1. Temporary holiday or festival lighting is permitted in individual units during Eid and other festive and national holidays.

6.4.2. Flashing decorative lights, or lighting that creates glare visible from outside the property is not permitted. White color string lights are preferred. Clarification on the appropriateness of decorative lighting will be determined by the Building Manager.

6.4.3. Permitted decorative lighting for holidays and celebrations may be installed and illuminated ten (10) days before the holiday or celebration and must be removed not later than ten (10) days after the holiday or celebration.

6.4.4. Lighting decorations causing complaints from neighbouring Residents must be turned off or removed upon request.

6.5. Home Improvement

6.5.1. The Owners Association controls and regulates the construction of alterations or improvements within the Community. Accordingly, no Owner or Resident shall build, construct, erect or install any Improvements on his Lot without complying with the Architectural Guidelines set forth in the Rules.

6.5.2. Except for the purposes of proper maintenance and repair, and except as otherwise permitted, no Resident shall build, construct, erect, install or undertake any alteration or improvement without first submitting appropriate plans and specifications to the Management and obtaining the approval of the Owners Association.

6.5.3. Any approval for home improvement should have the No-Objection- Certificate (NOC) or approval documents displayed prominently at the site during the period of the construction or alteration work and kept on file to validate for future Owners of property that the alteration was approved by the Owners Association.


7.1. Correspondence and Requests

7.1.1. All complaints, applications or requests to the Owners Association or its Executive Committee shall be addressed in writing to the Building Manager or the Owners Association.

7.2. Copy of Community Rules

7.2.1. Where a lot is being leased or rented, the Owner shall provide the lessee or tenant with a copy of the Community Rules in force for the Owners Association.

7.3. Executive Committee

7.3.1. Every member for the time being of the Executive Committee of the Owners Association shall be indemnified by the Owners Association out of its funds and assets against personal liability for the acts, omissions, neglects, or defaults of any other members of the Executive Committee or for any loss or liability occasioned to the Owners Association, by any judgment or oversight on his part or for any other loss, damage or misfortune whatever which shall happen during the course of the execution of the duties of office, or in relation thereto and shall be further indemnified in similar manner against any liability incurred by a member defending any proceedings, whether criminal or civil, in respect of any such act, omission, neglect, default, error or oversight.

7.4. Entering into Agreements

7.4.1. The Executive Committee shall have the power by simple resolution of a General Meeting or Special General Meeting of all of its members convened in accordance with Legislative Decree No. 19 of 2001 Bahrain Civil Code Concerning Ownership of Storey’s in Buildings in the Kingdom of Bahrain, to enter into agreements:

(a) For the purpose of supply of electricity to the Community;
(b) For the maintenance of any security system or fire fighting system on the Community;
(c) For the management, maintenance and repair of the building and common Property;
(d) For the gardening and cleaning of the Common Property;
(e) For the repair and maintenance of any lifts within the Community;
(f) For the maintenance and cleaning of the pool and equipment
(g) For the maintenance of the BMS System
(h) For the supply and maintenance of any items required for the proper functioning of the building.

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